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“Wolf Online,” the Best Real Network Survival Wolf Game, is Released

‘Wolf Online’ is a cruel and gruesome war game among three wolf species, released by 1GAMES. Let’s go to the hunting ground of the wolves

Wolf Online, which offers extreme realism and addictive hunting system, is a multiplayer version of the popular series, “Life of Wolf” that boasts of 5 million downloads globally. In the game, you must not only hunt down animals for survival but also survive brutal battles with other wolf clans, which is a unique characteristic of the game that sets it apart from others. You must choose between Mountain Wolves, Snow Wolves, and Wild Wolves before entering the dangerous and ruthless battlefield where you are forced to continuously hunt animals and level up your skills in order to survive.
Some other interesting game features include a friend system where you can request help from a friend from your clan when faced with a powerful enemy as well as a cannibalization feature where you can replenish your energy by eating the carcasses of dead animals – including other wolves. Six fascinating and distinctive battlefields are filled with herbivores, such as rabbits, deer and giraffes, and greater beasts, such as tigers, lions and rhinos. Total of over one hundred animals, monsters, and mythical creatures, such as the Cerberus, Vampires, and Dragons also make their appearances in the game.
Developed and published by 1GAMES, Wolf Online is a wildly addictive free-to-play mobile adventure game for smartphones and tablets on Android.
For more information, and to join the Wolf Online communities, please visit the 1Games Website, Facebook, and YouTube.
You can be download this game from Google Store() or App Store()

App name : Wolf Online
App category : Adventure
App price : Free
App Memory : 142mb
App keywords : wolf, wolf game, online game, hunting game, monster, animal, species, dragon, dragon fight, lion, tiger, snake, deer, rabbit, survive, survival game, hunting, animal hunting, hunter, combat, warrior, fight ,battle, wild wolf, real game, myth, vampire, realistic, real time, multi game, hunting round, group game, friends, mobile game,

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