Here we go again with another virtual pet game on Kickstarter! This time it’s a wolf game called Lorwolf.

May I introduce you to this chic table of contents?
00:00 – 01:01 Introduction
01:01 – 05:51 What is Lorwolf?
05:52 – 08:10 Kickstarter Breakdown
08:11 – 13:28 Kickstarter Video Play by Play
13:29 – 16:25 Rant about Un-Optimized YouTube Channels
16:26 – 19:01 Development Timeline
19:02 – 25:04 Green Flags, Red Flags
25:05 – 28:56 Conclusion

What is Lorwolf and should we Kickstarter back it? How is this any different from the last video I uploaded? This game takes pages directly out of Flight Rising and Lioden’s books. The Kickstarter launches March 1st, 2021. Check it out here:

Adventure through the chaotic lands of Loria in this virtual pet game. Collect, breed, and explore with your very own wolf pack!

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Also, I have a Patreon. Check it out and let me know what you think?